Monday, June 14, 2010

13 weeks...

Saying good-bye to my 1st trimester this week! Woohoo! Hopefully the end of my exhaustion, heartburn, food aversions, and nausea.

So, here's an update on my pregnancy so far: I am not quite showing yet, though my clothes don't fit so well anymore. I don't really look pregnant though, but more "chunky" in the middle.

I have gained between 4 and 5 lbs so far...which is totally because I have been eating things I don't normally eat and constantly eating because I feel better when I am eating...the nausea seems to subside. So, I do plan to curb this quite a bit in the near future. I do think I gained almost this in my first trimester with Domenick and still stayed at 28 lbs for the total weight hoping to do that again this time.

I have my 2nd doctor's appointment on Thursday and will schedule my "gender" ultrasound oon that day. Woohoo! I can't wait to know how we will complete our family. far this pregnancy is flying by....totally could be the fact that I am super busy with all the kiddos and life in general.

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